Bane wrote:What I think they should think less about is locking in customers and maybe think more about making open software systems which can be programmed and upgraded.
Apple just overtook Microsoft as the second largest company in the USA after Exxon Mobil.
They didn't make all that money by selling open systems and now they are worth US$222 BILLION. That, is a *lot* of money -- far more than *any* open systems vendor can ever hope to be worth.
In fact, Apple is one of the most closed-systems in the computer marketplace -- that's how they made their money.
JR, Spektrum, Futaba and others have also now found out just how profitable it can be to "lock customers" into proprietary systems such as DSM and FASST. How else could they get away with charging US$140 for a basic receiver?
No, I don't think you'll see *any* of the major RC brands going "open" again any time soon.
In fact, Futaba's promotion of the S-Bus is yet another example of how they're seeking to further "close" their products rather than open them. If Futaba gets its way, you'll only be able to use Futaba S-Bus servos with its RC systems at some time in the not-too-distant future.
The only hope for open-systems in the RC marketplace is with the Chinese. FrSky have started it with their open telemetry system., just the facts.