*FREE* republication licenses now available

Watch this space for important announcements about this forum and other stuff on the RCModelRevies.com website and RCModelReviews YouTube channel.

*FREE* republication licenses now available

Postby administrator » Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:44 am

If you want to republish articles or reviews that appear on the RCModelReviews website then you should visit this page for details.

If you're responsible for your club newsletter or website, you might want to republish the occasional item from RCModelReviews if you think it will interest your members.

As someone who's edited "the club monthly newsletter" many times in the past I know how hard it can be to find something to write about or to get others to contribute so, if your edition is looking a bit thin, why not include an article from this website. Hey, so long as your publication or website is not a commercial operation, there's no charge and I have yet to decline a republication request (although of course, I do reserve the right to do so if I choose).
Site Admin
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon May 03, 2010 10:47 am

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