by Sampey » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:38 am
Just a thought, if like most modellers you have lots of "bits" lying around, why not get your 110 degree travel by modifying a servo physically? or even building one from spare parts? advantages being its free, potentially lighter and or less bulky than added electronics, and awesome on account of the DIY "gadgety-ness".
Downsides being it would require "fiddling", certainly not "plug and play" in the level of ease.
Also i assume you've tried simpler stuff like using longer servo arms for greater travel etc...
Perhaps no help, i have a knee jerk "build it ya-self" reaction when it comes to technical problems like this, wheres the clever in buying yet another plastic box that i cant fix or understand?
Common sense will not accomplish great things, simply become insane and desperate - the hagakure.
Show a little vision people! - Me