I am not much of a builder, too new to this stuff. So recently I purchased a Great Planes Escapade ARF.
It was so simple and easy to assemble I was amazed! The quality is good the manual is easy to read , not perfect but very good and it flies really well.
Couple of points about the plane.
It is light so it doesnt need a huge engine although it will take one and go really fast if you want to. In fact there are people flying this plane on a strong .25, I used a Thunder Tiger GP42 and it was an excellent match next time I will use an Irvine 36.
Glueing the wing halves together and the tail feathers on is a good idea especially if going with a larger than .40 size engine.
With a light engine I moved the receiver battery to a small tray under the engine ,that I made, in order to balance, Escapades are famous for being tail heavy and I did not want to add weight and increase wing loading.
I used a much smaller servo on the throttle, a GWS Naro Max and it saved a lot of weight and worked great, really how much servo do you need to move a throttle? I am surprised this is not more common.
This plane is made to be the next step up from your basic trainer and I found it to be a as easy to fly as my PT-40 just a little faster. It is not designed to be a 3D plane, it is a casual sport plane so dont expect the same flying performance as a Sukhoi.