I've got a pile of 72MHz receivers sitting here and not being used. It seems a shame to let them just gather dust so I'm going to give them away to some lucky RCModelReview readers and forum members.
If you think you have a good reason why *you* should get some of these receivers, post a message here pitching your case.
On offer are:
A handful of Corona dual-conversion crystal-controlled receivers (use Futaba or Corona crystals) on channels 17 and 23.
A Berg-7 (top-pin) receiver on channel 23 (but I might have some other crystals)
A handful of Polk Seeker 6 synthesized receivers
An FMA M5 (Futaba type) dual-conversion receiver on channel 17
Plus a whole lot of 72MHz crystals (Hitec, Corona/Futaba and who knows what else).
And who knows what else I'll find when I clear out the rest of my cupboard?